The tasks in this coursework assignment are all based on the scenario provided above but your discussion should be supported by relevant theories and concepts.
Total recommended word limit is
For Posters and Portfolio, you can
incorporate words, tables and graphics as required. All material facts supplied
in the appendix should be excluded from word count.
Task 1 - (LO1)
Produce One A3 Posters using
comprehensive information on following Task A and Task B:
A. Present
comparison of TWO management styles that you believe as used by your manager in your organisation, Whitechapel
Tourism Development.
Briefly discuss minimum of FOUR leadership
characteristics for each of the TWO
management styles you have identified in (A)
above. Click for more information about: Managing Communications Help
Produce One A3 Posters using
comprehensive information on following Task C and Task D
Evaluate those possible communication processes used
by your managers at your organisation, WTD. Please provide graphical
description where appropriate.
Analyse organisational culture and change you assume
taking place at your organisation,
which is preparing to promote “Whitechapel”
as a new tourist destination.
Task 2 - (LO2)
Present a portfolio of yourself by
completing the following tasks:
Assess your own management skills performance and
present a catalogue of essential management skills you posses along with your
honest opinion about those skills.
Produce a Strength, Weakness. Opportunities and Threat
analysis on yourself, and submit a analysis statement in connection with the
above essential management skills.
Present a
diary of events to outline the setting and prioritising objectives and targets to develop own potential for the next 4 years.
Task 3 - (LO 3)
Chief Executive requested all Management Trainees in your department including
you to present a Management Report on following to your field staff after
thorough desk research. Your report should compare a minimum THREE appropriate
theories for each concept you explore.
Discuss how would you lead and motivate a team of
field staff to achieve promoting “Whitechapel” as a new Tourist Destination at
the forthcoming World Travel Market exhibition
scheduled to be held at the O2 Arena
in February 2014.
In the final part of your report, please justify
managerial decisions made to support achievement of promoting “Whitechapel” as
a new Tourist Destination at the forthcoming World Travel Market exhibition, and recommendations for any
improvements you find necessary. Know
more: Personal
and Professional Development
Task 4 - (LO 4)
Write a commentary explaining how your own managerial
and personal skills will support
your career development.
You are
required to produce a development Plan for yourself, after critically reviewing
your career and personal development needs, your current performance as a
management trainee, and future needs.
Guide to student
Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document:
All coursework must be word processed.
Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1
inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4 inch).
Font size must be within the range of 12 point in body
text and heading 14 point
Standard and commonly used type face such as Times new
Roman or Arial etc should be used.
All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered.
Material taken from external sources must be properly
cited referenced using Harvard standard
Word limit must be strictly followed.
Works must be checked for similarity index (and report
submitted) using the TURNITIN software in Moodle site of the College VLE for submitting
the assignment.
Do not use Wikipedia as a reference)
Plagiarism is an academic offence and dealt with accordingly.
Plagiarism is presenting somebody
else’s work as your own. It includes copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the
material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another
student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting
it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to
have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For details on Plagiarism please see the student hand book)
All coursework must be submitted to the Examination
office with cover page on/before deadline.
The student must attach a copy of the assignment brief
along with the cover page and the report.
Good practice:
Retain a back-up soft copy of your assignment. You may
email yourself
Make an extra hardcopy of your work submitted for your
own reference or later use
Extension & Late Submission
If you need an extension for a valid reason, you must request one using a
Coursework Extension Request Form available from the college and submit to the
dept. head. Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend
the coursework deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework
The completed extension form must be accompanied by evidence such as a
medical certificate in the event of you being sick. Late submissions with
mitigating evidence will be accepted and marked according to the college
procedure. Please note that late submissions may result in lower grades or
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