Monday, 5 September 2016

Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industries


This unit looks at the key elements in human resource management.
  • Learners will investigate employment law and how it affects service industries businesses. They will also investigate the current state of employee relations in service sector.
  • Learners will examine the practicalities of the recruitment and selection process in order to develop the skills required to effectively administer this human resources function.
  • Learners will investigate training and development in service industries businesses to determine the contribution they make to an effective business.


This unit enables learners to gain understanding of human resource management, employee relations and employment law, recruitment and selection, and training and development in service industries.
Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria & On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

1. Understand human resource management

1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry
1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry business

2. Understand the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses

2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations in a selected service industry
2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources in a selected service industry business

3. Understand the recruitment and selection process

3.1 Discuss a job description and person specification for a selected service industry job
3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses

4. Understand training and development in service industries businesses.

4.1 assess the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of a selected service industry business

Unit content:

1.  Understand human resource management

Human resource management: concept of human resource management (HRM) e.g. planning and forecasting, recruitment process, contracts of employment, deployment and monitoring of employees, training and development, budget monitoring, relationships; role and purpose of HRM, soft HRM, hard HRM
Human resource planning: planning e.g. the creation of the human resource plan, analysing demand and supply, internal and external factors influencing human resource planning, human resource planning in a changing environment
2. Understand the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses
Employee relations: unionisation e.g. structure, culture, collective bargaining, negotiation, consultation; employee participation, involvement and conflict management, empowerment; grievance procedures, disciplinary procedures
Employment law: employment legislation e.g. Employment Relations Act, Employment Rights Act; equal opportunities; contracts of employment including termination e.g. resignations, redundancy procedure, ill health retirements, retirement, dismissal, maternity and paternity rights, parental leave; tribunals, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)
3. Understand the recruitment and selection process
Recruitment: effects e.g. factors affecting the labour market, organisational needs analysis, job analysis, job design, organisational needs, job descriptions, person specifications, methods of recruitment advertising. 
Selection: process e.g. selection methods and practices, barriers to effective selection, evaluating recruitment and selection processes, application form design, applicant information packs, shortlisting, interview methods, interviewing skills
4  Understand training and development in service industries businesses 
Training and development: effects e.g. link between induction programmes and training, the role and need for training, training versus development debate, types of training and development activities, training needs analysis, use of appraisals and target setting, benefits of training and development, barriers and attitudes to training, competency-based training, evaluation of training against overall organisational objective.

TASK 1 - You are required to exhibit an understanding to LO1 and address 1.1 and 1.2 as specified.
You have been recently appointed as a trainee Human Resource Manager at Hilton Hotel Worldwide. Hilton Hotel is currently opening 50 room at Stratford City.  The new Hotel is to cater to business and leisure travellers to offers an array of services to ensure maximum comfort during your stay, i.e Baggage Storage, Barber Shop, Concierge Desk, Foreign Currency Exchange, Gift Shop, Laundry/Valet Service, Lounge, Multi-Lingual Staff, Parking Facility, Room Service, Safety Deposit Box, Shoe Shine Stand, Spa, Fitness Room, Sauna and Steam Room. Your line manager wants you prepare awritten report (approximately 1,000 words) addressing 1.1 and 1.2. Answers without application to the HR service industry and its application the Hilton Hotel will be marked as resubmission.(approx. 1000 words)

LO 1 Understand human resource management
P 1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.
P 1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.


You are required to exhibit an understating to LO2 and write a report on employment relations in hotel industry and employment law on service industry business with special reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford. Please see that you address 2.1 and 2.2 as specified below. Answers without application to the HR service industry and its application the Hilton Hotel will be marked as resubmission.(Written reportapprox. 1000 words).
LO2 Understand the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses
P2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations for the Hotel industry.
P2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources for the Hilton Hotel as selected service industry business.
The objective of this task is to exhibit an understanding to the LO3, recruitment and selection process by addressing 3.1 and 3.2.You have been really working hard since your appointment with the Hilton Hotels, and now your Line Manager has asked you to prepare the comprehensive job descriptions and personal specifications of the list of staff that you submitted through your proposed HRP. 
This report should include the following:-
  • Discuss a Job description and personal specification for a selected job at the Hilton hotel such as receptionist, banquette manager, waiter or cleaning staff etc.
  • Compare various different selection processes of different service industries business  that can best suit to the Hilton Hotel
  • Answers without application to the HR service industry and its application the scenario will be marked as resubmission.(Written report approx. 1000 words)

LO3 Understand the recruitment and selection process
3.1 Discuss a job description and person specification for a hotel industry job
3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses

TASK 4: The objective of this task is to exhibit an understanding to the LO4, understand training and development and selection process by addressing 4.1. You are required to assess the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of Hilton Hotel Stratford. You also need to make a Power point presentation and present that to the senior member of the hotel emphasizing the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation for the selected service industry business Hilton Hotel
This part should include the following:-
  • Different types of training
  • Difference between training and development
  • Benefits and effectiveness of training
  • The role and need of training

LO4 Understand training and development in service industries businesses
4.1 Prepare a Power point presentation and present that to the senior member of the hotel emphasizing the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation for the selected service industry business Hilton Hotel.
Your assessor may provide an observation record to confirm whether this has been achieved.

Assignment Guidelines:
Ø  Use a standard report structure where requested, Word-process the report and use Normal script of a proper font size 12.
Ø  Produce evidence for each task as specified.
Ø  Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity.
Ø  The Assignment sheet should be attached in the front.
Ø  It should be uploaded on E-Learning platform before the deadline.
Ø  Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless mitigating circumstances supported by valid evidence.
Ø  Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided.
Ø  Start each answer on a new page and pages should be numbered. Highlight each question clearly.
Ø  Include a Bibliography at the end of the assignment and use the Harvard referencing system.  
Ø  All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully acknowledged, such as books and journals, websites (include the date of visit), etc.
Ø  Try to give the page numbers, publishers' details and the year of publication
Ø  In order to pass you need to address all the LO
Ø  In order to get a merit you need to first pass and then address the characteristics of M1, M2,M3 
Ø  In order to get a Distinction you need to first pass, address all the merit characteristics and then address the characteristics of D1, D2 and D3. 

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