Saturday, 17 September 2016

Research Methodologies in Computing Systems


Research skills equip learners with a higher level of knowledge and skills that will allow them to be self-directed and focused in a specific field of expertise. Research is undertaken in a range of disciplines and is quite prevalent in domains such as medicine, science and academia.

Research is paramount in terms of establishing what has been experienced and discovered in the past, relating this to current studies in the field, and providing some sort of hypothesis or prediction for the future.

Research involves the exploration of a range of primary and secondary sources of information. From these sources, conclusions can be drawn regarding a particular question or theory that may need to be investigated and tested. Submitting a research proposal, may be based upon these original findings, and through the adoption of a research methodology, new discoveries could be unearthed and recorded.. There are a number of elements that contribute to research. These can include the application of a research methodology that will determine how the research is conducted and also whether it will be of a qualitative or quantitative nature. The research question should spearhead the studies and provide a focus on a specific area, idea, concept or development.

On completion of this unit learners should be able to conduct a literature review that will engage them in identifying a range of primary and secondary information sources. Learners will be able to critique sources and triangulate the information gathered to determine currency and validity in the area of study undertaken.

Learners will also engage in research seminars both as a participant and as a reviewer. The seminars will be used as a forum to disseminate good practice, and to create an awareness of topical issues within their chosen research field.


To equip learners with the knowledge and research skills needed to select a research question, and design a research proposal for a chosen topic of interest.


1 Understand different research methodologies
2 Know how to conduct a literature review
3 Be able to present a research proposal
4 Be able to contribute to a research seminar.


LO1       Understand different research methodologies

1.1 assess different research methodologies
1.2 justify the use of a research methodology to be used for the research proposal
1.3 discuss the importance of both qualitative and quantitative data in research
1.4 explain the problems that can arise when undertaking research

LO2       Know how to conduct a literature review

2.1 justify the use of research sources
2.2 evaluate the importance of using primary information sources
2.3 describe a recognised system for referencing

LO3       Be able to present a research proposal

3.1 present a research proposal to a defined audience utilising appropriate survey techniques
3.2 discuss the role of ethics in research

LO4   Be able to contribute to a research seminar
 4.1 prepare an extract from the research proposal appropriate to a seminar environment
4.2 provide constructive feedback on proposals presented within the seminar environment.


1             Understand different research methodologies

Research types and methodologies: types e.g. experimental research, survey research, evaluative research, observational research, developmental research; applied versus fundamental research
Data collection: methods e.g. primary and secondary data collection, observatory, experimental
Research pitfalls: problems e.g. dependency and access to information sources, time, money, expertise, introduction of bias, the Hawthorne Effect, the Halo Effect
Types of data: qualitative e.g. ‘information rich and data poor’; quantitative e.g. statistical analysis techniques, ratios

2             Know how to conduct a literature review

Sources of information: types e.g. visual, audio, paper-based, electronic; benefits and drawbacks of types; categories e.g. primary and secondary sources, restrictions and limitations
Accuracy of information: validity e.g. triangulation of resources to ensure validity; currency
Literature review framework: styles e.g. Harvard referencing; adopting a formal format

3             Be able to present a research proposal

Research question: defining the question e.g. selection and suitability; scope and boundaries; target audience
Survey methods: interview techniques e.g. unstructured, structured, semi-structured; administered questionnaire; attitude measurements e.g. Likert scaling, Thurstone scaling, Guttman scaling, semantic differential scaling; sampling e.g. random, quota, stratified
Research ethics: issues e.g. potential ethical issues arising during research, ways to address ethical issues in research; role of the Ethics Committee

4             Be able to contribute to a research seminar

Research seminar: functions e.g. disseminate ideas and good practice; discuss research proposals; gather feedback to inform proposals
Delivery strategies: structure e.g. clear framework; level of detail; use of IT


TASK 1 to TASK 4: You are required to follow the instructions as specified towards each task and support with a research by using supportive materials like books, websites, etc., and give a feedback on the findings by relating your arguments to the relevant case studies as specified towards each task:

Case Study

Social media or Social Menace

Millions of people around the world with access to the Internet are members of one or more social networks. They have a permanent online presence where they create profiles, share photos, share their thoughts with friends and spend hours just catching up with what hundreds of friends are doing with their life but its dark side is still being measured.
There arises the need to examine the effects of social media on individuals and families.
You are required to prepare your process of investigating the factors that determines these individuals fascination with social media and the effects it has on their families.

Task 1. The objective for this task is to address and exhibit an understanding of different research methodologies. You are required to address the task as specified and research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc. to address the learning outcomes as specified: Please note that the research and subjective skill needs to exhibit transferable skill by reflecting it to the case study. Answers reflected without reflective practice will be referred.

P1.1 assess different research methodologies
e.g. experimental research, survey research, evaluative research, observational research, developmental research; applied versus fundamental research

P1.2 justify the use of a research methodology to be used for the research proposal e.g. primary and secondary data collection, observatory, experimental

P1.3 discuss the importance of both qualitative and quantitative data in research e.g. ‘information rich and data poor’; quantitative e.g. statistical analysis techniques, ratios

P1.4 explain the problems that can arise when undertaking research e.g. dependency and access to information sources, time, money, expertise, introduction of bias, the Hawthorne Effect, the Halo Effect

Task 2. The objective for this task is to conduct literature review and demonstrate understanding of Literature review framework. You are required to address the task as specified and research considering the given case study in your assignment to address the learning outcomes as specified

P2.1 justify the use of research sources e.g. primary and secondary data collection, observatory, experimental

P 2.2 evaluate the importance of using primary information sources e.g. triangulation of resources to ensure validity; currency

P 2.3 describe a recognised system for referencing e.g. Harvard referencing adopting a formal format

Task 3. The objective for this task is to conduct and present a research proposal. You are required to address the task as specified and research considering the given case study in your assignment to address the learning outcomes as specified.

P3.1 present a research proposal to a defined audience utilising appropriate survey techniques .g. unstructured, structured, semi-structured; administered questionnaire; attitude measurements e.g. Likert scaling, Thurstone scaling, Guttman scaling, semantic differential scaling; sampling e.g. random, quota, stratified

P3.2 discuss the role of ethics in research e.g. potential ethical issues arising during research, ways to address ethical issues in research; role of the Ethics Committee

Task 4. The objective for this task is to address and exhibit an understanding of conducting research and to contribute to a research seminar. You are required to address the task as specified and research considering the given case study in your assignment to address the learning outcomes as specified

prepare an extract from the research proposal appropriate to a seminar environment e.g. disseminate ideas and good practice; discuss research proposals; gather feedback to inform proposals

Provide constructive feedback on proposals presented within the seminar environment e.g. clear framework; level of detail; use of IT

Assignment Guidelines:

·         Use a standard report structure, Word-process the report and use Normal script of a proper font size 12.
·         Produce an academic report, detailing the above issues with a word limit of 4000 to 4500 words.
·          Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity.
·         The Assignment sheet should be attached in the front.
·         Submit the document in a folder in the form of a file as well as a soft copy on the submission date.
·         It should be uploaded on E-Learning platform before the deadline and submitted to -------- and sign the submission form of the college.
·         Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless mitigating circumstance and may be entitled for a late fee.
·         Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided.
·         Start each answer on a new page and pages should be numbered. Highlight each question clearly.
·         Include a Bibliography at the end of the assignment and use the Harvard referencing system.  
·         All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully acknowledged, such as books, journals, websites (include the date of visit), etc.
·         Try to give the page numbers, publishers' details and the year of publication
·         In order to pass you need to address all the Learning Outcomes (LO)
·         In order to get a merit you need to address the characteristics of M1, M2,M3
·         In order to get a Distinction you need to address the characteristics of D1, D2 and D3.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Use a common format for the questions, for example:
Ø  Introduction (analyze the question.)
Ø  Underpinning Knowledge (write about the relevant theory/points)
Ø  Applied knowledge(Data Analysis)
Ø  Conclusions and Recommendations (summarizing the whole scenario keeping in view pass, merit, distinction criteria.)

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