Friday, 3 June 2016

HND Business Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour

Unit Number and level
Assessment Title
Course Title
Assessment Code
Unit 3- Organisations and Behaviour - Level 4
Organisations and Behaviour - Understanding the Workplace
HND Business
HNDBUSUnit3/January 2014/level 4
Hand Out Date
24th January 2015
Hand In Date
11th April 2015 before 12.00 midday
Pamela Koller
Internal Verifier
Alan Jeffery
Sources of information
1.Course notes
  • Lecture slides accessible on LSST Connect
2. Recommended learning textbooks      
·        George, J., Jones, G. (2002) Organisational Behaviour. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.  
  • Mullins, L. (2007) Management and Organisational Behaviour. England: Prentice Hall an imprint of Pearson Education.
3. Online Resources
KBR (2013) Mission, Vision and Values. KBR. [online] Available from:[accessed 27/11/2013].
The Times 100 (1995-2013) Roles and Responsibilities within an organisational structure. A KBR Case Study. [online] Available from: [accessed 27/11/2015].
To be filled by the student
Student Name


Student ID

Group(e.g. BDM019)

Assessment Requirements
·         An electronic copy of your assessment must be fully uploaded by the deadline date and time.
·         You must submit one single PDF or MS Office Word document. Any relevant images or screenshots must be included within the same MS Office Word or PDF document.
·         The last version you upload will be the one that is marked.
·         The file size must not exceed 20MB.
·         Answer the criteria in order, clearly indicating the pass criteria number.
·         Ensure that all work has been proof-read and checked prior to submission.
·         Ensure that the layout of your documents are in a professional format with font style Arial, font size 12 for the text, font 14 for sub heading and font 16 for main heading, line spacing 1.5 and justified.
·         Use the Harvard referencing system; otherwise it will be considered as plagiarised work.
·         Ensure that you back-up your work regularly and apply version control to your documents.
·         Ensure that any file you upload is virus-free, not corrupted and not protected by a password otherwise it will be treated as a non-submission.
·         You must NOT submit a paper copy or email of this assessment to any member of staff at LSST.
·         Your work must be original with the appropriate referencing


Compare and contrast KBR’s organisational structure and culture to that of a similar organisation.

Guidelines (Approx. Word Count - 200)  Recommended Interim Deadline: 31st  January 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Identify KBR’s organisational structure and culture
  • Compare and contrast KBR’s organisational structure and culture to that of another similar organisation e.g. an organisation in the same industry
  • Use the case study provided on KBR to help you.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü       1.1 Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture
Q 1.2
Explain how KBR’s organisational structure and culture affects the performance of the business.

Guidelines (Approx .Word Count - 200 )   Recommended Interim Deadline : 5th February 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Explain how KBR’s organisational structure and culture impact business performance
  • Use the case study provided on KBR to help you.

In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü   1.2  Explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business
Give examples and discuss factors that influence individual behaviour at work.
Guidelines  (Approx. Word Count - 200)   Recommended Interim Deadline: 8th February 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Review behaviour at work in general
  • Provide at least two examples of factors that influence the behaviour of employees at work.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü  1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work


Q 2.1Using the case study provided, identify which leadership style is used by KBR and compare the effectiveness of KBR’s leadership style to a similar organisation.
Guidelines  (Word Count Approx - 300)  Recommended Interim Deadline: 15th February 2015In your answer, you should :
  • Use the case study provided (with reference to the section titled responsibility and authority)
  • Compare the effectiveness of KBR’s leadership styles to that of another similar organisation, one perhaps in the same industry.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion:  ü  2.1 Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organizations

Q 2.2
Explain how organisational theory including the work of F.W. Taylor underpins management practice.

Guidelines (Word Count Approx - 300 ) Recommended Interim Deadline: 22nd February 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Explain how organisational theory including the work of F.W. Taylor forms basis for management practice
  • Use your lecture notes and academic textbooks to help you.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion:  
ü  2.2 Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management
Q 2.3
Evaluate different approaches to management used by KBR and one of its competitors.
Guidelines  (Word Count Approx - 200) Recommended Interim Deadline : 1st March 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Evaluate different management approaches used by KBR.
  • Compare these approaches with those of one of its competitors
  • Refer to the pros and cons and make judgments on the management approaches.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion:  
ü  2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations.


Q 3.1
Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in KBR and on one of its competitors during an economic depression.
Guidelines (Approx. Word Count - 200)  Recommended Interim Deadline: 8th March 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within KBR during an economic depression
  • Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within one of KBR’s competitors during an economic depression
  • Compare these leadership styles
  • Refer to at least two different leadership styles
  • Select from autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic and laissez-faire leadership styles.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü  3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change

Q 3.2
Compare the application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Hertzberg’s hygiene and motivational factors within the workplace.

Guidelines(Approx. Word Count 300)  Recommended Interim Deadline : 15th March 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Outline Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with Hertzberg’s hygiene and motivational factors
  • Explain how the two theories compare when they are used in the workplace
  • Use workplace examples, that is, where you work or have worked in the past.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü  3.2 Compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace

Q 3.3
Evaluate how useful motivational theory is for managers in the 21st Century.
Guidelines (Approx. Word Count - 200 ) Recommended Interim Deadline: 22nd March 2014
In your answer, you should :
·                                                           Evaluate the pros and cons of motivational theory for managers in the 21st Century
·                                                           Support your answer with examples from motivational theories.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü  3.3 Evaluate the usefulness of a motivational theory for managers


Q 4.1
Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within KBR and one of its competitors.

Guidelines (Approx. Word Count - 200) Recommended Interim Deadline: 29th March 2014
In your answer, you should :
·                  Define the term “groups”.
·                  Explain group dynamics.
·                  Compare group dynamics within KBR to that within one of its competitors.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü  4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organizations

Q 4.2
Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit effective teamwork within KBR and one of its competitors.

Guidelines (Approx. Word Count - 200 )  Recommended Interim Deadline: 2nd April 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Give examples of factors that help with the development of teamwork
  • Give examples of factors that do not help with the development of teamwork
  • Relate your answer to KBR and one of its competitors
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü  4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organizations

Q 4.3
Evaluate how technology affects team functioning within KBR.

Guidelines (Approx. Word Count - 200)  Recommended Interim Deadline : 7th April 2014
In your answer, you should :
·        Evaluate the use  of technology on teamwork within KBR
·        Evaluate the impact of technology on teamwork within KBR
·        Discuss the pros and cons of technology and the impact it has on teamwork.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion
ü  4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organization


In order to achieve Merit, students must  achieve all the Learning Outcomes plus M1, M2 and M3

MERIT 1, 2 & 3

These questions relate to Q4.2

Assume that you are the director of HR for KBR.  Write a letter to the Managing Director.  In your letter, identify the factors that inhibit the development of effective teamwork and suggest appropriate solutions to overcome these factors.

Using an appropriate model, evaluate the role types needed for effective teamwork.  Ensure you include at least one relevant quotation within your letter.

Ensure you use Harvard Referencing.

Ensure that you refer to academic textbooks as well as other sources.

Guidelines (Approx. Word Count – 400)  Recommended Interim Deadline: 9th April 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Write  a letter to the Managing Director of KBR
  • Identify the factors that inhibit the development of effective teamwork, find and suggest appropriate solutions
  • Use and apply a model which discusses effective teamwork to evaluate the roles needed in an effective team
  • Include at least one quotation within your letter
  • Ensure you use Harvard Referencing for citation.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following Merit descriptors :  
ü  M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions, by using complex problems with more than one variable have been explored
ü  M2 Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques, by using a range of sources of information
ü  M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings by using an appropriate structure and approach

To,                                                                                                                                               12th The Managing Director
March 2015

Subject :- Teamwork at KBR

Dear (name),

There is no doubt that KBR has been known for its team performance, which has took KBR to the level that it is today.

However, since the last quarter, I have noticed that the teamwork as well as commitment of the team members is demonstrating a deterioration, which is reflected in frequent clashes, disagreements, and escalations by the team members. The number of escalations in the last quarter has been 75% more than that in the previous quarter. This has eventually raised the number of demanded one to one with the human resource executives as well as employee dissatisfaction at workplace. All of this, if not addressed now, might lead to grave issues later on. From the side of management as well, there are issues such as ineffective leadership, lack of commitment in employees and management, and the teams are devoid of synchronisation and harmony. Therefore, through this letter, I would like to recommend strategies, which would assist in team co-ordination. The first priority, though, has to make the employees remember that Helen Keller rightly said, Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” (Goodreads. Inc, 2014)

The various factors, which inhibit effective teamwork, include poor or vague training, inappropriate delegation, impatience, and poor communication. In case of the presence of these factors, effective teamwork can never be achieved.(Wolski, 2010)

Since KBR is a multicultural organization that has strong structure of organization, several exercises pertaining to team building can be introduced. The exercises like planning for a team party and executing it, and games where members of the team have to work together to achieve goals can be introduced so as to revive the sense of teamwork.

In addition to the team building exercises, several techniques of motivation can be used, such as, rewarding the best employee, best team, and the best team members, and share the reasons behind these people and groups being able to achieve the rewards, and the exceptional team work that is represented by them. This would influence other teams and members of the teams to replicate the actions and work in team. To support these exercises, creative thinking strategies can be used for team building. (Richards, 2010)

Lastly, I would like to reiterate that the issue is taking pace and deteriorating day by day. It is of utmost importance that adequate actions are taken in time. Also, it would be feasible if we can meet to discuss the further actions.

You Sincerely,
HR director


In order to achieve Distinction, students must achieve all the Learning Outcome, all merits plus D1,D2 and D3


This relates to Q4.3

As HR Director, write a report to the Managing Director of KBR. The report will focus on the use of new technology in the workplace to improve team performance.

Research new types of technology that can be used in the workplace to improve team performance.

Critically evaluate how new technology can be used to improve team performance.  Include some of your own suggestions of ways that new technology can be used to improve team performance.   
Justify use of at least one modern way of technology that can improve the performance of team.
Guidelines (Approx. Word Count - 400 )  Recommended Interim Deadline : 11th April 2014
In your answer, you should :
  • Use an appropriate report format.
  • Ensure that your report has an introduction, main body and conclusion.
  • Demonstrate how new technology and new methods of communication can improve team performance.
  • Use examples to support your answers.
  • Critically evaluate how new technology can improve the impact of technology on team functioning.
  • Research types of technology used in the workplace for example networks and the use of virtual teams.
  • Draw a conclusion.
  • Ensure that you draw on theory and include evidence of independent thought.
In answering this question, you will have covered the following Distinction descriptors :  
ü  D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions through the synthesis of ideas.
ü  D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities through research and the demonstration of independence and autonomy
ü  D3 Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking through problem solving

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