Good Morning
My name is Paul Reffill. I am conducting a research on marketing principles for assessing knowledge sharing behavior in small organisation in UK. The Prime objective of my research is to identify factors affecting the knowledge sharing behavior in small organisations. I would appreciate if you will answer some of the question for carrying out my research.
Name : _________________ Designation : __________________
Organisation : _________________ Place : __________________
Please put a tick mark
in the appropriate box wherever required.

1. From how long are you working with this organisation?
2. Do you think knowledge sharing is necessary for the small organisation? (Y/N)
3. What is the current status of Knowledge sharing in your organisation?
a) Not in existence at all. [ ] b) Nascent stage [ ]
c) Introduction stage. [ ] d) Growth stage [ ]
Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________
4. Does your company enhance knowledge sharing among the employees? (Y/N)
5. Does your organisation enhance knowledge sharing as the asset?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] c) Can’t say [ ]
Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________
6. What do you think of Knowledge sharing (KS)?
a) Never heard of it. [ ]
b) Something they are already doing but not under the same name. [ ]
c) It is just a management fad. [ ]
d) It is strategic part of their business. [ ]
e) Something that could be beneficial for the organisation. [ ]
f) If any other, please specify __________________________________________
Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________
7. Which one is the biggest cultural barrier in knowledge Sharing?
a) Functional silos. [ ]
b) Lack of participation. [ ]
c) Not willing to share knowledge. [ ]
d) Lack of trust. [ ]
a) Knowledge sharing not a part of daily work. [ ]
b) Lack of training. [ ]
c) Lack of rewards/ recognition for knowledge sharing. [ ]
d) If any other, please specify ___________________________________________
Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________
8. What are the problems faced by you in knowledge sharing (can tick multiple choices)?
a) Lack of training. [ ]
b) System too much complicated. [ ]
c) Lack of identifying the proper IT tool [ ]
d) Lack of time to learn. [ ]
e) Lack of user uptake due to insufficient communication [ ]
f) Every day use did not integrate into normal working practice. [ ]
g) Unsuccessful due to technical problems. [ ]
h) If any other, please specify ___________________________________________
Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________
9. What is the role of following factors in knowledge sharing for your organisation?
Least Average Extremely
Significant significant
1. Cultural barriers
a) Vision and Goal of the company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b) Trust 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c) Social network. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Structure
a) Centralization. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b) Formalization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c) Performance based reward 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. Information technology
a) IT application usage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b) End user focus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________
10. Do you agree that top management commitment enhance knowledge sharing in organisation?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Somewhat agree
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
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