Part A- Group assignment 40% of final grade
- You should work in a team of three members. It is your responsibility to inform the module leader who is your team members.
- Please obtain unique team number from the module leader. This number should be printed (font size 24) on the cover page of your complete work. Under the title of your work. Failing to do so will cost you 10% of your final grade.
- The output of your work will be a hardcopy of a PowerPoint presentation. Please remember to write the names of your team members and student number on the cover page of your presentation. NOT on the cover page of your complete work.
- You will hand in your presentation together with the other two parts of this assignment in the same folder as one piece of work. Each one of the team members should hand in a copy of the presentation in her/his folder.
- CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) is defined as ‘a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis’ (Belz and Peattie 2009). Is CSR really adopted “on a voluntary basis”? In which situations and to which degree are companies free to decide whether to adopt a CSR approach or not? Use the case of Franke Sissons Ltd to support your theoretical discussion. What are the advantages and the risks of voluntary environmental programs for a company such as Franke Sissons Ltd and the potential risks and benefits commercially?
- Conduct a stakeholders’ analysis of FRANKE WASHROOM SYSTEMS; your analysis should include identification of the relevant stakeholders and their possible position regarding Franke Seasons Ltd.’s environmental and ethical strategy.
Part C- Marketing Communication Strategy (30% of final grade)
Advice Franke Sissons on a communication plan to develop awareness in all the stakeholders the company and its products and services impinge on
Marking criteria
· Understanding of the broader issues of the module
· Evidence of wide range of reading
· Understanding of the issues presented by promoting environmental programs
· Critical analysis
· Reflection
· Presentation and readability
· Appropriate report format and use of Harvard reference system
Learning outcome to be tested:
- Demonstrate an awareness of the broader context of business particularly emphasizing its social and environmental impact;
- Apply arguments for relating to how social and environmental can be embedded in managerial decision-making;
- Conduct a stakeholder analysis and suggest ways of improving stakeholders input into decision-making.
Intellectual Skills
· The module aims to develop the students' critical understanding of:
· The broader context of business particularly emphasizing its social and environmental impact;
· How to include social and environmental concerns in business decision-making;
· Sustainable business practices;
· Stakeholders analysis and related issues;
· The inclusion of social and environmental concerns in business strategy;
· Diversity, particularly with respect to employment practices.
Mode of submission
· hard copy and a CD
· PowerPoint presentation
Group work management
Group work is traditionally a source of difficulty for some of the students. You should remember, though, that the ability to work in teams is vital and necessary part of the professional skills of a business professional. Students will have to submit evidence of resource management of their team. A clear visible record of all students meetings will be required to include the assessment task as an aim and the group objectives to complete the task. Each meeting should be recorded to include:
· Date and time of meeting
· Group members present
· Roles within the group
· Discussion topic(s)
· Assigned tasks, with deadlines, the outcome of which should be included in the log.
The record of the group meetings will be required to be submitted with the assessed work
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